Meaning, Messages & Magic
Frog symbolizes creative fertility and metamorphosis.
Swim, hop or splash! Croak, ribbit, ribbit. The vocal vibrations reverberate throughout Frog’s body and are amplified through the conductivity of water. You are sensitive to sound, music, tone, voices, song; and you wield the ability to effectively communicate your own sound to the world, being heard and causing deep shifts right down to our watery, cellular level.
Frog uses water to create new life and dreams. Transformation occurs in many stages. How we start out resembles nothing of how we started and where we are going. Frog surrenders to this process, shape-shifting through egg, embryo, tadpole, breathing with gills, swimming with a tail, growing hind legs, storing food in its tail, growing front legs, disappearing tail, learning to hop, and going from only living in the water to now also living on land.
Beyond physical transformation, remember that ideas, dreams, and visions go through this same process. Let them morph into the highest version they can be (which most likely won’t look like what you envisioned when you started out). Be flexible with how you need to move through the world at different times.
There are many varieties of Frogs. Try to identify which one is calling to you and study their particular traits.
-Tanya Casteel
To deepen into Frog medicine you can also study:
- Rabbit & Honey Bee for more creative fertility.
- Dragonfly, Butterfly, and Phoenix for metamorphosis.
- Salmon for cycles.
- And Whale for sound.
Art Prints
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Animal Cards
I want to hear about your Frog experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!