
Meaning & Symbolism

The Dragon, a creature of myth and legend, often symbolizes the intensity of feelings like jealousy, envy, or greed. In many legends, Dragons hoard vast treasures, guarding them fiercely and refusing to share—a reflection of the human experience when we become consumed by these emotions. Jealousy arises when we fear losing something we value, while envy is the desire for what others possess, and greed is the insatiable hunger for more. These feelings often stem from deep-seated insecurities, fears of inadequacy, and unmet needs for recognition, love, or security. Just as a Dragon clutches its hoard, we may cling to possessions, relationships, or status in an attempt to fill an emotional void.

However, processing these feelings involves acknowledging them without judgment, understanding the underlying needs they reveal, and finding healthier ways to meet those needs. For example, instead of envying someone else’s success, we can celebrate their accomplishments and use that feeling as motivation to pursue our own personal goals. Instead of greedily accumulating more than we need, we can cultivate gratitude for what we have and share with others. By addressing these emotions head-on, we can transform jealousy and greed into growth and generosity, much like the Dragon in some myths that eventually learns to let go of its hoard and find peace.

* Try shifting feelings of jealousy, envy, and greed towards gratitude by considering the following needs: perspective, acceptance, appreciation, safety, empathy, integrity, and contribution.

The following Dragons are influenced by the five elements of Chinese philosophy (Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal, and Water)

Wood Dragon

The Wood Dragon symbolizes growth, vitality, and creativity. Just as trees and plants are deeply rooted in the Earth yet reach towards the sky, the Wood Dragon represents expansion, flexibility, and innovation. It is associated with the energy of spring, a time of renewal and birth. This Dragon encourages us to cultivate our inner growth, embrace change, and be open to new ideas. Much like a tree that adapts to its environment while maintaining strength, the Wood Dragon teaches resilience and the importance of nurturing our personal development and creativity.

Fire Dragon

The Fire Dragon represents passion, transformation, and action. Fire is the most dynamic of the elements, symbolizing power, enthusiasm, and the force of will. The Fire Dragon embodies the heat and intensity of summer, inspiring boldness, leadership, and courage. This Dragon teaches us to harness our inner fire—our passions, ambitions, and desires—and use them to transform our lives. However, like fire itself, this Dragon also reminds us to temper our intensity, avoiding burnout by balancing action with mindfulness.

Earth Dragon

The Earth Dragon symbolizes stability, nurturing, and abundance. Connected to the late summer and harvest seasons, this Dragon represents grounding and balance, providing a sense of security and connection to the physical world. The Earth Dragon teaches us the importance of building strong foundations, not only in our material lives but also in our relationships and self-care practices. It encourages us to stay centered, take care of ourselves and others, and cultivate patience, as Earth is slow-moving but ultimately nourishing.

Metal Dragon

The Metal Dragon embodies strength, discipline, and precision. Just as metal is strong yet malleable, the Metal Dragon symbolizes the power to cut through obstacles with clarity and focus. It is associated with autumn and the process of refinement and letting go. This Dragon teaches us the value of structure, organization, and determination in achieving our goals. Like the sharpness of a blade, the Metal Dragon helps us eliminate distractions and focus on what truly matters. It reminds us to let go of what no longer serves us, making space for what’s essential.

Water Dragon

The Water Dragon symbolizes intuition, emotion, and adaptability. Water is fluid and flexible, capable of shaping itself to fit any environment while retaining its essence. The Water Dragon is connected to winter, a time of introspection and deep reflection. It represents the flow of emotions and the power of intuition. This Dragon encourages us to trust our inner wisdom, to flow with life’s changes, and to embrace our emotions as a source of strength. Like a river carving through stone, the Water Dragon teaches persistence, adaptability, and the importance of listening to our inner voice.

The Cosmic SerpentSnake, Lizard, and Dragonfly are also closely associated with Dragons so you might want to explore those as well.

-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

Animal Cards

Animal Pottery

I want to hear about your Dragon experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!


  1. Bhumika

    I dreamed that a mystical dragon once blasted of my classmate who bullied me. I now whenever hold a dragon toy I feel protected, I dont know why.

  2. Amanda

    I saw the most beautiful dragon ? in the clouds ⛅️ On Sunday. It was the full body profile of a dragon ? . There are a few ties to Dragons with my family & I so I at first thought it could be for that but
    You know what? They are all apart of the meanings he real meaning

  3. Danny Richards

    Born on the 26th of March hitch makes me an Aries in western astrology
    Born in 1976 in the year of the dragon
    And combing the two makes me a T-Rex in my primal Astrology

    Can you give me a forecast of this year

    • Tanya Casteel

      You’re a prehistoric fire breathing dinosaur dragon!!! You’ve got a lot of power. Be wise how you wield your fire as to not burn down the whole forest, instead use it to create warmth, protection, and alchemy.

  4. Leslie Blanchard

    First off, I have to say I’ve always had a strange liking toward dragons. I can’t explain it,I just love them. I’m also into metaphical and esoteric things,mythology and anything if that sort so I do believe in dreams having a meaning of some sort. Anyway! About my dream… I’m an twin identical twin and in my dream we were at a nail salon getting our nails painted and the lady painted mine and when I looked down it was the most vibrant vertical rainbow stripes on each nail and yes I remember being amazed at how glittery and vibrant the colors were! Then she went back to my nails and the next til I looked at them She had placed Little Dragons on each nail BUT they were each different.. I remember one was a full body red w fire breath on my ring finger,one blue also w body and no fire on the middle finger and my pointer finger was just a black dragons head like up close. Another weird thing was she placed them at the ends of the fingers kinda like when u put a fun funky eraser on the end of a pencil.and that’s it I woke up after that! But I’d like to know more of what someone else thinks, it was Trippy lol

    • Tanya Casteel

      This is a really fun dream. The fire dragon on your ring finger makes me think of passionate romance and the blue on your middle finger makes me think of using your voice to speak your truth regardless of what others think. The middle finger making a boundary for others and the blue being related to the throat chakra.


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