
Meaning & Symbolism

The Anglerfish, dwelling in the mysterious depths of the ocean, symbolizes acceptance, teaching us how to navigate the unknown with grace and understanding. Acceptance does not mean putting up with ill treatment but rather seeing things for how they really are and repositioning our perspectives and boundaries to peacefully exist. Just as the Anglerfish uses its bioluminescent lure to navigate the depths and attract prey, acceptance is active and engaging, guiding us through challenges, while giving up is passive and defeated. This deep-sea creature thrives in an environment of darkness and uncertainty, reminding us that there is more unknown in the universe than what is perceived and that true power lies in becoming comfortable with the mysteries and uncertainties of life. Alan Watts calls this the “wisdom of insecurity.”

Drawing from Eckhart Tolle’s wisdom, we learn that all we have is the present moment; if we can’t find joy in it, we must either change it or accept it. Like the Anglerfish, which has adapted to its environment rather than resisting it, we too can find peace by accepting where we are and what we cannot control. For example, if we face a challenging situation that cannot be altered, embracing acceptance allows us to move forward without suffering. This acceptance also applies to our relationships with others, understanding that everyone is on their own path. By accepting circumstances and people as they are, we can plan our next steps with clarity and intention, freeing ourselves from the burden of resistance.

Mastering the need for acceptance is one of the quickest ways to shift any feeling that arises with an unmet need. Acceptance applies to everything!

  • How can you embrace the unknown rather than fear it?
  • Are you willing to accept others as they are to foster deeper connections and peace?
  • Are you ready to trust in your own wisdom and abilities regardless of the circumstances, as well as trust others to choose their own path?
  • How might accepting what you cannot control allow you to channel your energy into positive action?
  • What specific situations or feelings do I find most challenging to accept, and what would it feel like to release my resistance to them?

Anglerfish also symbolizes the unseen world, navigating darkness, and luring energy.

Anglerfish have a symbiotic relationship with bacteria, giving them the ability to glow with bioluminescence. Bacteria are part of the “unseen” world. Anglerfish reminds you that by strengthening your relationship with the various layers of the unseen world, you will be able to see and navigate deeper truths and emotions than most.

Anglerfish have a glowing lure that extends from their third eye to help them navigate in the dark and attract nourishment into their life. When traversing the deepest, darkest places in your life, remember to turn on your own light to guide you through. Trust in your ability to see.

Anglerfish have highly attuned organs that sense the changing pressures and movements in the water. When you feel your surroundings shift, trust it and reposition yourself accordingly. Trust your ability to navigate through the darkness. You are picking up information from the unseen world that guides you in ways the mind cannot understand.

-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

Animal Cards

Animal Pottery

I want to hear about your Anglerfish experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!

  1. Jen

    Thank you so much for this! One of the very first reoccurring dreams I had when I was a small child was that I would be deep deep in the black depths of the ocean, just floating in the darkness (no need to breathe apparently) and suddenly I see a light come on, then I saw the scary face of the angler fish. I didn’t even know that fish existed when I was that small. It used to scare me, but now I can clearly see why that spirit animal came. It was a rough childhood. The last time I had a deep ocean dream was not too long ago (I am now 36yo) and a solid white dolphin swam up to me in the darkness. It was beautiful! I can’t even count how many amazing animal souls have visited me in the dream realm, but they are definitely some of my favorite dreams!! I love your site, thank you for bringing so much clarity to these experiences!

  2. Sam

    I had the strangest dream last night I distinctly recall seeing an anglerfish in a world food store it was packaged, I touched the package and the liquid in packet touched my hand and my hand went numb, the other person there told me it wouldn’t harm me but would give the impression my hand was not living then I saw a live anglerfish and people were also having the same affects on them but some others appeared dead but someone kept saying they are living but the poison makes them appear as though not living.

  3. Edna

    On my dream, I was in a dark abyss. But oddly enough I felt like I was emitting light, and then that is when the angler fish slowly appeared before me. Right out of the abyss it approached me, in its gargantuan magnificence. It’s mouth was closed and I could only see the front of it and its one eye, looking at me from the side. I was not afraid but in awe. That is when I woke up.

  4. Jessa Joy Baquirel

    I was in my workplace when a fish came out of nowhere (humpback anglerfish) i use my to hands to put it in a Big clear water. It didn’t attack me but it keep swimming. Trying to open it mouth to someone who got closer to the water. So my workmate are grabbing each other including me. I dunno whats the meaning of this dream.

  5. Nicole

    I was just meditating and saw an anglerfish. I didn’t even know what it was so I had to look up lantern fish. 🤷‍♀️ I see tons of other animals but never this one before. ❤️

  6. Eli


    I recently had a rather weird dream I was in line waiting to enter inside the mouth of an anglerfish i distinctly remember the darkness behind it and a red but dim light that was shining on the fish i am confused about this and been thinking about it a lot i would appreciate any explanations.

    Thank you

    • Tanya Casteel

      Maybe the dream is indicating that you’re ready to take your turn navigating around in something unknown? Increasing your chances of success with the use of the Anglerfishes’ lantern to see and understand something better (you’re ready to see)?. Showing yourself that you are choosing this willingly and bravely?

  7. Misty

    Throughout my life I have had different spirit animals come to me. They have helped me navigate my way in this life experience. Here recently, I spent some time in meditation and asked a spirit animal to come into my dreams. A spirit animal that I could learn from. After a few nights of meditations, I had a dream about an Anglerfish. This Anglerfish was neon green and glowing very bright. Unfortunately, that is all I remember of the dream. I am, at this time, learning about the Anglerfish so I may better understand why this spirit animal came to me and what insights I may discover.

    Much love peace and harmony,


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