Meaning, Messages & Magic
Pegasus symbolizes unity, imagination, and thirst.
Pegasus brings Earth and Sky together. Gaia and Spirit join as one to explore and unite all realms.
Pegasus embodies the adventurous freedom of Wild Horse medicine. It won’t be tethered or held back from its mission. Pegasus takes its freedom even further by taking off into the skies. It rules the realm of imagination as its feathered wings travel through unlimited dreamscapes.
Thanks to its Father, Poseidon, Pegasus also has a strong connection with water. Pegasus can pound the ground with its hoof to create a spring of water, bringing forth emotional healing for itself and others – quenching our thirst on all levels to refill our “cups” so we can soar high again.
Pegasus asks, how thirsty are you? Is there a way you can fill your own cup that won’t take from those around you? Remember that Gaia/Earth is an abundant source for refueling. Connect with Her until you feel yourself overflowing to the point where you can share and soar with others.
-Tanya Casteel
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I want to hear about your Pegasus experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!
A few years ago, I was trying to come up with a business name. It led me to looking at the stars and constellations. I was drawn to the constellation of Pegasus and the star Zeta. If I remember right, that’s the star of its eye. I came up with the business name Zeta Zen. I changed my mind after looking more into the star, its believed that is where the grey aliens solar system is. I may still use it after reading this , is the spirit animal Pegasus still calling me to use it?
Only you can know if Pegasus is still calling to you. I didn’t know that information about the star in Pegasu’s eye, thanks for helping me learn something new. Possibly there is another star in the constitution of Pegasus that feels more comfortable to you?
I regularly see a shaman. And a Pegasus has come to me as a spirit guide in this lifetime as well as past lifetimes. What is the significance of that when a magical animal just as Pegasus is your guide? Thank you
Paige – I don’t know the meaning either, but similarly when I have done spirit guide meditations a Pegasus has come and picked me up on his back and journeyed off together. I hope our Pegasus guides are frolicking together in the high astral levels <3
In a previous incarnation, I was Poseidon. Strangely enough, I didn’t know the connection between pegasus to him as you have language. So thank you for sharing. Very insightful & brought warmth to my heart. I have pegasus energy working with me at present.
My Totem from West sacred direction is Pegasus. How can I use his skills and strength to find my soul mate? Thanks. Your article about Pegasus is very interesting. With love 💗 Isabel Vitoriano
2 small gnomes riding 2 small pegasus flying above me shooting arrows not at me. They were about the size of seagulls. It feels like I had this dream before. Your thoughts?
I asked for a guidance while meditation, then I saw Pegasus. This is the first time I ever pay attention to this, still wonder why I saw it. Thank you for the information
Hi. I dreamt that I quickly looked up at the night’s sky because the full moon all of a sudden shot across the sky with fast speed in a large circular motion. As it completed the shape of a circle it started breaking up and formed cloudy looking numbers (7 0 2 0) and then it morphed into a beautiful glowing , white, sparkling Pegasus. It looked at me and just did beautiful movements of flight in the night’s sky. And then I awoke.
Thank you Tanya! I’ve written a children’s book with Pegasus. Also working with mothers overcoming their fears and this share has brought fresh inspiration so bless you, very grateful.