Meaning, Messages & Magic
Peacock symbolizes beauty, wholeness, confidence, and watchfulness.
Peacock’s tail blankets the world, watching over it. Peacock doesn’t focus on what might be missing, but instead turns its attention to the inner beauty that resides within each of us; it sees the essence of everything and how each part is vitally important to the whole. This universal truth radiates confidence and beauty from the inside out in a humbling way.
Peacock’s squawking laughter brings an invitation for joy and gratitude as you shed emotions and identities that no longer serve you, bravely step into a more confident version of yourself, accept what is, and are grateful for all you have.
Male peacocks are not born with magnificent feathers; they start to grow in after three years. Let this be a reminder that growth takes time. Be patient as your inner beauty develops and gets ready to shine!
Peacocks shed their feathers every year. This points to an abundance of beauty. What could you shed in your life? Trusting that you’ll still have more than enough regardless of how much of yourself you share? You can always generate more from within.
-Tanya Casteel
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I want to hear about your Peacock experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!
I’m sure you recieve lots of mail like this but I did want to share. I just awoke from a dream that I was on the beach and I ran into an old friend. I gave him a hig and went to change my shoes so he and I could walk the beach. When I got to my car I pulled a tarot from my deck in the back seat (note: my tarot decks do not contain peacocks) and pulled out the peacock card. At the top of the card it read ” an odd opportuinity” and when I read the bottom of the card (later in the dream) it read ” take control”. Between the two readings I ran into a family who needed help getting a ride. So my friend an I offered to help them. Instead of changing shoes I picked up and read the card the 2nd time. And then I woke up.
This is a neat dream! I love “an odd opportunity” and that Peacock was not a part of the deck but you pulled the Peacock card anyway. Thanks for sharing.