
Meaning & Symbolism

Gorillas, particularly Silverbacks, symbolize strength, leadership, and the balance of masculine and feminine energies. The striking silver fur on the backs of Silverbacks reflects a deep connection to the Moon, representing intuition, emotional wisdom, and nurturing qualities. Though these males are the protectors and leaders of their troops, they carry a feminine energy, encouraging a balanced approach to leadership—one that combines power with empathy and care. This teaches us that true strength comes from balancing both the assertive and nurturing aspects within ourselves. By acknowledging and honoring the feminine energy within us, regardless of gender, we can lead with compassion and emotional intelligence, while still standing firm when needed.

In the world of Gorillas, communication is vital. They use a variety of vocalizations, gestures, and expressions to interact with one another, fostering a strong sense of connection and understanding within their group. This reminds us of the importance of developing effective communication skills in our own lives. Gorillas ask us to listen attentively, express ourselves clearly, and ensure we understand others’ perspectives before acting. For instance, in our personal or professional relationships, taking the time to ask clarifying questions and truly empathize with another person’s viewpoint can lead to deeper, more meaningful connections. In situations of conflict or misunderstanding, Gorillas encourage us to slow down and approach the issue from a place of empathy, rather than rushing to judgment.

Gorillas are also known for their intelligence and resourcefulness, particularly in their ability to use tools to solve problems. Whether it’s using sticks to gather ants or leaves as makeshift gloves, Gorillas demonstrate that we, too, have an array of tools at our disposal to navigate life’s challenges. The symbolism of the Gorilla as a toolmaker encourages us to tap into our problem-solving abilities and approach obstacles with creativity. If one method isn’t working, perhaps it’s time to adjust our technique or try a different tool. Just like Gorillas adapt their approach depending on the task, we can shift our mindset or strategy to find more effective solutions. This adaptability can help us break free from feeling stuck and open up new pathways to success.

Ultimately, the Gorilla teaches us that leadership, communication, and problem-solving are deeply intertwined. By embracing the duality of strength and compassion, sharpening our communication skills, and using our intellect and intuition to find solutions, we can live more balanced and empowered lives.

-Tanya Casteel ©Cosmic Animals

Animal Cards

Animal Pottery

I want to hear about your Gorilla experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!


  1. Rachel

    Hi Tanya,
    I have been following a few gorilla troops/ baby stories) on YouTube.

    Last night ( under this special super blue moon) , I dreamt of a gorilla ( there was a story behind it) but the gorilla appeared to me painted on a card ( a slightly different body position than your painting) but VERY similar.
    When I went to look up the symbology, voila, there she was, almost the exact rendition.
    Which led me to your stunning work & website. I love finding new gorgeous animal decks, but alas, you are sold out. 😢
    Are you going to reprint the deck? 💜🙏🦋

  2. Taylor Elliott

    This starry cosmic gorilla is awesome. I would love to ask to use it on my podcast. It is called the Voodoo Monkeys Podcast. It is very much about communicating human consciousness, with the conversation as the tool to do that. I vibe with the magic analysis of a Silverback.


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