
Meaning, Messages & Magic

Wolf symbolizes loyalty, perseverance, the teacher, intuition, freedom, instinct, intelligence, the value of social connections, and the pathfinder.

Wolf is a teacher with the ability to explore independently and bring knowledge back to the community.

Wolf is loyal and values the company of others and of family, while at the same time staying committed to individualism.

Wolf conserves its resources by outwitting others, avoiding confrontation through giving subtle gestures, glances, or growls that get the point across. Wolf teaches you to hear your inner voice and find your personal power and strength by facing your deepest fears and practicing sincerity.

Once you’re quiet enough to hear your intuition, it will speak to you as loud as a Wolf howling at night. This inner howl is telling you to defend your boundaries and trust your instincts.

Wolf cautions you to soften your competitive urges; there is a place for everyone’s skills.

Wolf works with the magic of the moon and is sensitive to the transitional times between dawn and dusk. Pay attention to this lunar day/night pattern and work with its energy to amplify the power of your intentions during these times.


When Wolves travel as a pack, the weakest lead the way in front with the strongest at the back and the alpha Wolf at the very end. This strategy ensures that no one is left behind. It shows that the strongest leaders can observe from behind while letting others develop at their own pace. You can actually see and direct more efficiently from the back because you have the best view of your pack/tribe than if you were way out in front alone.


Wolves have a special connection to birds, especially Ravens. In nature Ravens and Wolves are often seen together and actually get along quite well. They have a symbiotic relationship with each other, as they aid each other with hunting and scavenging.


There is an ancient love story between Wolf and Raven where they fall in love but tragically can’t find a way to be together because of their Air/Earth differences.


In Danish folklore, there is a mythical creature called a Valravn, which is half Wolf half Raven. According to the tale, Valravn was “born” from a Raven eating the body of a king that was killed on a battlefield, creating a half Wolf/half Raven mythical creature. Its goal is to transform itself into a knight. To achieve this it must eat the heart of a child. Many consider them to be terrible animals, but they are missing the greater symbolism at work…


Death is not the end. It’s part of the process. When a powerful king or queen calls upon the Spirits of the Raven and Wolf at death, they ascend into a deeper level of transformation – into a Valravn. It does not seek to literally eat the heart of a child, it seeks to discover and embrace its own inner child and heal the parts of itself that have been abandoned. Once the Valravn has done the work to heal its heart and become whole, it can then transform itself into a “knight”- a warrior of light and love for our world.


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I want to hear about your Wolf experiences. What stories or dreams have you had? Please share and join in the conversation below!


  1. Misty

    About 3 years ago I lost my children and my home,everything.i was literally alone on the streets and didn’t know what or where to go..one day while out exploring in Oregon I saw a wolf run out the corner of my eye then the wolf started appearing in all my pictures I’ve taken. I never was in on the wolf and so the wolf literally made its presence to to and ive been trying g tonunderstand why and what it’s trying to show me

    • Tanya Casteel

      It sounds like wolf has come in to be your guide during a devastating transition. What a wonderful ally to have at your side. It can be confusing to understand what animal guides are showing us because they can be subtle and use symbols and are not direct in their approach. You are doing well, as you’re noticing when wolf shows up for you. Continue to be aware of wolf’s presence and slowly practice connecting meaning as you notice what your emotions and intuition are telling you about the contexts of when wolf appears. Its meaning will deepen over time.

    • Glen Page

      I have a Wolf rattle with a piece of wolf hide tied onto the handle. The rattle was made by a medicine woman named Raven.
      The rattle always induces visions, and/or a unique intuitive thought, either in me, or in the one I am treating.
      This is a wonderful assessment of the medicine.

  2. Barbara Techel

    A white wolf came to me during the very first time I experienced a guided visualization. It was during a time in my life when a friendship had ended causing my heart to break. I saw myself at the base of a mountain sitting on a rock when out of the corner of my eye I saw a white wolf approaching me. I didn’t feel any fear, but believed she was there to help me. She eventually sat at my feet and showed me an image of a heart with flames shooting out the sides of it. She told me to not let my heart close even though it had been hurt, and that I had so much love and compassion to share with others.
    It would be about a year or two later that before drifting off to sleep I’d ask her what her name was and within seconds I heard, “Laiola.” I tried to find any symbolism connected with the name, but didn’t. But to me it was clear this message was just for me to show me that what I heard was ‘real’ and not to question it.
    I recently shared the wisdom from wolf, along with my encounter of a dead mama snake and her four babies, a horse, and a special needs dachshund in my new memoir: I’m Fine Just the Way I Am – Healing Emotional Pain through the Wisdom of Animals and Oracles.
    I truly believe animals share this planet with us as some of our greatest allies in helping us to not only heal ourselves, but to heal as a planet. I’m so grateful for their existence and all they teach us.

    • Tanya Casteel

      YES, it’s just for you, it’s real, and not to doubt that! This is a really meaningful share for me to read. Thank you so much. I recently had a silver (white) wolf (with feminine energy) visit me in a meditation for the first time and it was also surrounding a heartbreak. Anytime my mind would stray (which was every second as I was processing my pain) the wolf would ask, “Does it matter?” and regardless of my answer, the wolf would direct me back to my own heart, over and over and over again. Asking me to have constant vigilance with redirecting my energy back to my own heart. Thank you for sharing your experiences and wisdom with us.

  3. Dawn

    I dreamt that i was in the back yard of my old house. I felt that it was made to look like that so I was not afraid. I watched as tall grass started to move as if something or someone was running through it. A wolf taller than 5’5” was playing and running through the grass. He was so happy to see me and I cried because of the happiness in him. He came to me and asked me telepathically if I wanted to ride on his back. Even though i was floating (no feet), i climbed on him and we ran through the tall grass with tears of joy.

  4. Gaynor Gedling

    Recently been going through a bad time with work. Being made redundant in June 2020 and having to do contract jobs to pay the bills. I have kept a brave face and kept going through all the uncertainty. I have just been offered a temp to perm job with a company I really like very close to home.

    I did a tarot reading that was really good and started to to fall asleep early afternoon which I never do. I kept seeing a wolf with white edges on her ears with piercing blue eyes that was laid down just watching me with a lovely serene face? She chose the name Beautiful.

  5. Deja agaj

    I just had a dream where I was walking through the woods and came across a native American man with a wolf. They both had a glowing blue light around them. I felt drawn to the wolf and went up to pet him thinking,how cute, and as I did? The man instructed the wolf to”Bite her”. I then felt scared as the wolf started circling me but the fear soon faded as I noticed the wolf’s gaze went from threatening to friendly and the wolf refused the command to attack me. Weird thing is, the man smiled at this and said “good” as if he was pleased the wolf refused his command……anyone know what this could mean?


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